Reduce Stress and find Life Balance

I’m Lisa, an ex-Fortune 100 Silicon Valley executive and mentor — successful in my career, but looking for more from life, and I found it!

Now I’m a coach and catalyst, working with leaders and professionals, helping them hone their business edge, reduce stress, up-level relationships, and work more efficiently to attain their goals, while finding life balance, so they can enjoy the success they’ve earned.

For more information on my past experience, click here.


I get you. I won’t tell you to take a deep breath.

You’ve got a lot on your plate. I’ve been there. As a former executive and mentor, I’m uniquely qualified to connect with you and understand what you’re really up against. There are ways to reduce stress and create time. I’ll show you.

I’m passionate about helping successful leaders and professionals reduce stress, create time, achieve their goals, and find fulfillment in all aspects of their lives.

Can you relate ?

When I was leading teams working on multi-million dollar projects in Silicon Valley, my goal was never to lead by managing, it was always to lead by mentoring.

I’m a former executive and mentor who was wildly successful, working with Fortune 100 companies, yet unfulfilled in my career and life. 

For years I knew I needed “life balance” but what was that, exactly? My colleagues and I talked about life balance as an idea, but I didn’t stop working long enough to prioritize acquiring it.

When the years of living on caffeine and adrenaline finally caught up with me, I was working so many hours that I had to hire people to do “my life” for me. My career had eclipsed all the activities that didn’t directly feed its goals. I’ll admit, at first it was great – it was so convenient to have the mail sorted, bills paid, house cleaned, fridge stocked, and meals prepared, but after a time, it felt empty. I didn’t feel like a “real person”, just a shell who paid other people to live my life for me. When the weekend finally came, if I wasn’t working, I was hiding out, just trying to catch my breath. I didn’t take personal calls – not even from family. Friends would invite me out, and I would pass. I didn’t have the mental energy to make any commitments other than the ones already in my calendar.

Sure, I was successful at work, but I would come home stressed, exhausted, and unable to wind down. With little energy left, I focused on relaxation techniques to mitigate insomnia, just so I could repeat everything the next day. And the next day. And the next day. 

Sound familiar? Maybe that’s why you’re here.

Living at that pace in a highly competitive and dynamic work environment will eventually end in burn out, and that is exactly what happened to me. Finally, I thought, “There’s got to be more to life than this.”

  • Are you struggling, like I was, to find a balance between work and your life without giving up on success?

  • Do you spend your free time just decompressing from work, so you can pick it back up again, on Monday?

  • Are you thinking, “There’s got to be more to life than this”?

Ready for change ?

Life coaching taught me how to put myself first, reduce my stress, and create more time for me. I realized that I had created my own stress through my thought patterns and belief systems and I learned to solve things at the root. I discovered that our real power comes from the way we choose to think about things, and that we can choose the thoughts and belief systems that serve us, and let go of the ones that don’t.

I set and achieved amazing goals, but I was neglecting myself and living with stress instead of solving it. I was bound to a false belief system that the price of success was stress, and eventually, my joy was gone. 

I realized that my mental and physical strain from stress was my own construct. I took ownership of every choice I had made. I couldn't blame my work, my deadlines, or my relationships. Life coaching has taught me that our circumstances are neutral. It’s our thoughts about the things around us that create the trajectory of our life, and define the way we experience being alive, which in turn impacts our success and ability to enjoy that success.

I want to help you implement the techniques that empower you to bring permanent change to your life, and experience life the way you know you’re meant to.

  • Do you want to learn to put yourself at the top of your list, and still maintain the status quo?

  • Do you want to reduce stress and create more free time?

  • Are you ready to solve issues at the root, and start enjoying the success you’ve worked so hard for?

It’s your turn !

It’s your turn! Now, I want to pay it forward. I want to show you how to thrive at the top of your professional game without sacrificing fulfillment in your personal life.

Today, I love my job, and my life. My outlook is different because my thinking is different. There are no compromises. I no longer waste time hung up and stressed out over things I can’t control, and I’ve gained more control over my trajectory and life experience. I strategically select and create the thoughts and belief systems that I know will inspire me to reach new heights and attain my goals.

If you’re like me, you may have spent years thinking that the price of success is stress and lack of life balance. Like you, I thought you had to choose. But I’ve learned that you can be successful, love your job, and live an abundant and fulfilling life. You truly can have it all!

I want to show you how to create new possibilities, set your trajectory, reach your goals, up-level your relationships, find balance, and live the life you want, all by changing the way you’re thinking. If you can imagine it, you can have it!

Are you in?

“Working with Lisa has helped me learn about managing my stress levels. She helped me discover that all the things I was doing to avoid stress actually magnified and perpetuated it. Now I’m solving things at the root cause by thinking differently. I’ve taken control of how I choose to respond to my circumstances.”

— Carolyn, Business Development Manager, Oracle Corporation